Double Glazing Installation

Double Glazing vs Secondary Glazing

Posted by | February 5, 2021

Are you looking for the benefits of reinforced, superior glazing in your home?
If you are feeling the effects of colder temperatures more while you are indoors, battling condensation or high energy bills, it may be time to take a look at your home’s windows and doors. Your property’s glazing is responsible for a whopping 30% of energy loss from your home, and if your glazing is in old or poor condition, an even greater proportion.

Single pane glazing can be problematic for your property for several reasons.
Single pane glazing is a common feature of many older properties and perhaps, certain types of property extension, like orangeries. They add a certain charm to period properties and are often repaired with basic glazing techniques. However single pane glazing has notable disadvantages including:

Limited thermal insulation, meaning that your property is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

Poor security, as only a single pane of glass has to be breached to force entry into your property.

Minimal acoustic insulation causes outdoor traffic, conversations, and footfall sound to penetrate your home.

Installing better glazing is a simple upgrade that will make a massive difference to your home.
By upgrading your glazing, you will instantly benefit from improved thermal efficiency, energy savings, and secure long-lasting windows that will certainly smarten your home. It is one of the best investments you can make for your property.
But addressing your glazing is not only a matter of budget but also requires consideration of the type of glazing to install and possibly hurdles with planning permission. When exploring your options, two types of glazing stand out. Double glazing is well known, with up to 91% of British homes having these popular high-performance windows. Secondary glazing is less widely installed but is also an effective method for improving the condition of your property’s windows.

Let’s take a closer look.

What is secondary glazing?
Secondary glazing is a glazing solution that involves the installation of a low profile second window behind the original single pane window, inside the property. It is a notable alternative to double glazing. Secondary glazing window panes are designed to be large and low profile to allow easy access to original windows and let the maximum amount of light into a room.
The additional pane of glass and frame is designed to perform as a barrier to thermal exchange and also works as excellent soundproofing. They are made to measure and built to cover the original window completely, leaving no opportunity for draughts. The secondary glazing window opening can use vertical or horizontal sliders as well as those that open via handle into the property.

How does secondary glazing differ from standard double glazing?
They sound similar but in fact, secondary glazing is a radically different product, despite both glazing types rely on the insulating properties of an air gap between two panes of glass. The most significant difference between these two types of windows is that the installation of double glazing necessitates the removal of the existing window, whereas secondary glazing leaves the original window intact. Secondary glazing techniques are as diverse as the windows that they are used on, with many installations being DIY-jobs undertaken with whatever materials are to hand. A third key difference is that secondary glazing does not always use glass! Panels of acrylic or polycarbonate that can be removed are another common version of this window type.

Double glazing remains a performance product
Secondary glazing is often a solution of last resort for people with a period property where their ability to install double glazing is limited by planning restrictions. It is also sought out as a cheaper alternative to double glazing.
Secondary glazing insulation improvements are tangible but not at all comparable to those that can be achieved with double glazing. Double glazing is thought to have at least double the heat retention of secondary glazing. With double glazing your property benefits from the structural reinforcement and protection of fully-replaced windows which are properly sealed from moisture, drafts, and condensation.

Talk through your glazing options with one of the UK’s leading window companies.
If you are weighing up your options for improving the windows of your home, talking to an accessible and experienced team of glazers may help. Our company is pleased to provide free impartial advice on all aspects of improving your home’s windows.
If double glazing is for you, we also provide a free measuring service an extensive inventory of designs and can provide you with all the information needed to choose the best windows for your property.