Buying double glazing online?

Posted by | January 20, 2021

In an age where just about everything can be found or acquired from the digital realm, it was only a matter of time before online double glazed window sales became available. Websites retailing double glazed windows are popping up everywhere, complete with glossy high-definition visuals, making the concept of replacing your property’s glazing seem as simple as a couple of taps on your smartphone or laptop.

According to Which, installation of uPVC double glazed windows remains one of the most common home improvements in the UK. The costs of both frames and performance glazing make double glazing a substantial investment for your home, so it is no surprise that owners everywhere are looking for any savings possible while getting the windows they want.

In this short article, we will take a look at both the advantages and disadvantages of buying double glazing online. We will also share why, in our humble opinion, it’s still well worth having your local double glazing tradesmen by your side at every stage of the way.

Benefits of purchasing double glazed windows online
By buying windows online you can acquire top of the range double glazing from online suppliers and distributors.
Save money. Access to trade pricing means that you can potentially save hundreds of pounds on the cost of installing new windows in your home. These saving can either be pocketed or put towards the cost of a higher specification window or expert installation as we explore below.
A wider range of styles and materials means you can source exactly what you want. If you want a particular type of opening or frame material that a local company is struggling to locate, you may have success searching for the windows online.
Less sales pressure. Buying new windows is a big financial outlay and some people find the sales process intimidating. By purchasing online windows you don’t have to explain your decisions to anyone and you can buy when you are truly ready.
Time to consider your options. Browse to your heart’s content and thoroughly research your double glazing choices before taking the plunge. Reputable double glazing online retailers
Buying online is convenient as you can make your order whenever you are ready at any time, day or night.
DIY experts can replace windows themselves. If you are confident about installing your replacement windows yourself, you may as well go all out and order the windows of your choice too!

Buyer beware, don’t let these problems with ordering windows online get the better of you.
1. Mistakes happen. When you buy double glazed windows directly yourself, you take responsibility for the order you made, including the measurements, frames, glass and openings. If you make an error in what you have ordered the liability rests with you.
2. Windows may not be as expected. Even with the best of intentions and lots of descriptive information, you will not have been able to physically see your windows or frames until they turn up. Double glazing companies who sell in person will make the effort to supply you with samples to help you understand what your finished windows will look and performed.
3. Warranties can get complicated for online double glazing as installing them yourself may void the manufacturer’s warranty. An independent double glazing installer may not be accredited to install the specific windows you choose and so may not be able to professionally guarantee their workmanship.
4. Installation woes. DIY measuring may appear accurate but if you miss some of the key clearances and allowances for proper window installation you may end up with sub-optimal results. Rectification may turn out to be costly.

Get expert installation for your online purchased windows
If you are going to buy your double glazing online, why not talk to our tried and trusted tradesmen for any aspect of double glazing installation? Our helpful team can assist you in getting high-quality results from your online windows with impartial advice and assistance with all stages from measuring to final fit. To get help from your local, professional team of double glazed windows installers, simply reach out by phone or email and we will be pleased to send a member of our team to visit your property at a time of your convenience.