Are you thinking of replacing the windows in your leasehold flat?

Posted by | November 5, 2020

If your leasehold property struggles to stay warm or sound-insulated because of antiquated single pane frames or sash windows, you have every reason to start investigating whether they can be upgraded to double glazing.

Double glazing has a host of benefits including:

  • Outstanding thermal efficiency
  • Savings on the cost of heating or cooling your home
  • A noticeable reduction in the generation of condensation
  • A significant enhancement of your existing home security

Double glazed windows and doors are also the ideal property renovation to partner an upgrade to your home heating or insulation as windows can be the location of up to a third of the heat exchange in your home.

It’s clear that double glazing will be a lasting improvement for your property but as a leaseholder, you need to be clear about where you stand legally in undertaking this renovation yourself.

Do I need consent to install double glazing in my leasehold flat?

This will all come down to the terms and conditions outlined in your property lease. the lease will specify whether or not:

  1. You are responsible for the windows
  2. You have to notify the freeholder of your intention to replace the windows
  3. Any clauses or covenants which specify or restrict how the windows are to be replaced (for example restrictions on structural alterations, erection of scaffolding, or nuances on leaseholder responsibility for window frames versus panes)

If your lease clearly permits you to install double glazing, you can go right ahead and install, but it may be prudent to gain explicit permission from the freeholder before commencing works.

Before you act on installing new double-glazed windows in your leasehold ensure you get sound legal advice.

Reading and understanding the nuances of your lease can be difficult so it is prudent to seek legal advice on the scope of your rights and responsibilities. You can also formally contact the freeholder or their intermediaries (usually a management company) to formally gain consent for replacing your windows and pay any consent fees.

Professional advice can also ensure that your replacement double glazing is a suitable fit for the property and does not contravene any prohibitions on changing the exterior or structure of the property.

If your lease has only a few unexpired years, it may be prudent to seek an extension at this time so you gain the benefit and enjoyment of your upgraded windows.

Be a good neighbour and get everyone on board!

If it is likely that your window replacement will cause a disturbance in the communal areas of your building, or you will have to erect scaffolding, it is wise to inform your neighbours, clearly stating how long you expect them to be affected. Double glazing companies like ours will be able to provide you with a full and comprehensive quote for your window replacement (including erection of scaffolding) which can include time scales to help you.

Want to know what can be achieved with double glazing for your leasehold? Talk to us!

As one of the UK’s leading double glazing firms, we are on hand to provide you with all the technical advice needed to replace or upgrade your leasehold property windows. We are also experienced in managing the logistics of working in leasehold apartment buildings, often at height. 

Contact our helpful team today, and we will be on hand to visit your property, measure up for new windows and doors and sit down with you to provide all the advice and expertise needed to select and install appropriate replacement windows and doors. 

Call or email today.